This website is hosted by the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab (IPR) and the content is provided by the workshop team.
For questions and remarks regarding the content please contact the main organizers (Stefan Escaida Navarro and Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer).
Regarding general issues regarding the workshop webpages please contact:
Björn Hein
b j o e r n . h e i n at k i t . e d u
+ 49 721 608 4 8935
These internet pages serve for information only. Their contents were compiled with due diligence. However, the workshop team shall not assume any liability, neither expressly nor implied, for the type or correctness of the material offered and shall not be liable (including liability for indirect loss or loss of profit) for the material or use of this material. In case contents of websites of the workshop team violate valid legal regulations, we kindly ask you to inform us immediately. We will then remove the site or the respective contents as quickly as possible.
The websites of the workshop contains links to information offered by servers which are not subject to the control and responsibility of the organizers. The workshop team shall not assume any responsibility or guarantee for this information and shall not approve of or support such information in terms of contents.